Saturday, July 27, 2013

I'm In A Glass Case Of Emotion.

I have been having major mood swings lately.
One moment I'm smiling, laughing and excited. Completely content with my decision and exceedingly happy about life. 
Two seconds later I am crying and a nervous wreck, questioning my decision and my intentions. 
I'm pretty sure the people around me think I'm a crazy person and I kind of feel like a crazy person. It was a huge decision to join the Peace Corps. The next 27 months are full of too many unknowns to count. This journey that I am about to start makes every other adventure I have had (which is quite a few) look like child's play. Everything is about to change. Everything and everyone I know is here. That being said I am so incredibly excited I can't think straight most of the time. This has been a year and a half in the making and it's finally about to happen. There are people I am going to miss dearly while I'm gone but I know I have their support which is an amazing feeling. 

A lot of you have been asking about things that I need for my trip so I will be posting a pre-departure list of things in the next few days. Now, I seriously don't expect anything and I think you are all too nice even asking. When in doubt give me a card with a nice note in it that I can read on the plane and a second note to open when I'm having a rough day in Botswana. Things like pictures, music and letters are invaluable to me. 

- Erica

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Beginning

After one and a half long years of waiting, I am finally about to leave! I remember sitting on the porch of twin house for hours watching youtube videos from current ad past volunteers about everything from a tour of their home to the progression of their projects. I read blog after blog reveling in all the strange new things these incredible people were experiencing. In May of 2012 I submitted my application to the Peace Corps with high hopes and, I'm sure, a nervous giggle. Soon after I had an interview with my recruiter online while I was at camp. One day later, I had my nomination in hand: Health Extension in Central/South America. Then in early February I got my first invitation to Zambia as a Community Health Improvement Project volunteer. A day after my birthday I learned I was not medically qualified to serve in Zambia and then two days after that I had my new and current invitation in hand. Now a lot has happened between then and now. But the important part is that I am so incredibly ready to head out on this incredible 27 month adventure.

I graduated from the University of Georgia in December with a degree in Psychology. Since my third year of undergrad (yes it took me 4.5 years to graduate), I had planned on going straight into grad school to get a PhD in Developmental Psych. Clearly that isn't what happened. I love academia and miss it more than I ever thought I would. I plan to go back at some point after service...
So, I graduated and moved home to help my mother who was going through treatment for breast cancer (as I type she is at her final, all clear, appointment in Tulsa!). To fill up my time I ended up applying to a few jobs around the area. Somehow I ended up at Pier 1. I don't think I could have found a better part time job. The people are amazing. They are supportive, fun, and hard working. They have become like a second family to me and I will miss them all dearly. 

Now, my assignment. I know you are all bursting with excitement to learn about my assignment. 
I would add my technical job description and potential duties but that would be long and boring and no one wants to read that. NGO/CBO is Non-Governnment Organizations and Community Based Organizations. From what I gather, NGO volunteers can be placed just about anywhere in Botswana in just about any organization (anything from an after school club to a well known, well developed organization). So I know very little about my job for now. I will learn much more once I arrive in country and begin training. 

I leave for Philly the morning of August 11th for staging. Staging is just a day where we can all gather in one place and go over a few health and safety things before flying out (at ridiculously early, let me tell you). We leave from JFK on the 12th and fly for 16 hours to Johannesburg, South Africa. Then it's only a quick hop to Gaborone, Botswana. 

I think I have bored everyone to tears enough for now. If you have any questions, comments, blah blah blah, I would be happy to answer them. I will hopefully be able to keep this up while I'm in country to keep my family, friends, and future PCVs updated on all the new things that I experience!

- Erica (Urka)

OH, some things I had on my Zambia blog that I thought were really interesting. 
I don't know why she talks so slow but I'll leave this here.
blog post about volunteering in the Peace Corps. It explains a lot. I found it really helpful. 
And then of course there's Poop In a Hole. Watching this again it actually seems kind of depressing… ehh whatever. Still a comedic interpretation of this experience.